Call to Action (with updates): Unwelcome Netanyahu!
Genocidal Israeli Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu is in Washington, D.C. from July 22 to 24. Educators and community members are mobilizing to oppose his welcome by our government. We need your help!
Updates - July 27
JULY 27TH - 4:30 PM - Watergate Hotel
📍Intersection of Virginia Ave. and Rock Creek
Netanyahu’s decision to prematurely leave DC is a panicked attempt to regain control of an expanding war against the steadfast people of Lebanon. HANDS OFF THE MIDDLE EAST!
As war criminal Netanyahu leaves DC to his failing settler colonial project, following a fruitless diplomatic trip, join us in telling him that he and all the forms of Zionism that he represents are not welcome here.
While the Zionist colony is facing economic, political, and social upheaval, their murderous leader resided in his “luxury,” yet bug-ridden, hotel. He held meetings at the whim of US politicians, Biden, Harris, Blinken, and Trump, and begged them for more aid, weaponry, aid, and diplomatic cover to carry out the genocide in Gaza.
Shame on US politicians for meeting with him as they continue to ignore the demands of the people. Shame on the Watergate for hosting a war criminal who has an application for an arrest warrant from the ICC. Shame on the police for protecting a foreign leader and for brutalizing the people they claim to “protect.”
After a week of popular unrest at the Watergate Hotel—with noise demonstrations at its doors for 4 consecutive nights, a bug infestation, and projections on its walls condemning their war criminal guests—the Watergate continues to host Netanyahu to the tune of millions of dollars in security forces and barricades. Netanyahu will be staying the weekend at the hotel to continue meeting with DC politicians.
Netanyahu is in DC at the invitation of US Congress, but directly against the will of the hundreds of thousands who have consistently protested against the US-orchestrated and Israel-executed genocide of the Palestinian people. Using weapons paid for by the American people, Netanyahu has killed 186,000 people in Gaza and is currently facing an imminent arrest warrant from the International Criminal Court for the commission of war crimes and crimes against humanity.
By hosting a war criminal, The Watergate is actively choosing blood-soaked money over basic respect for human rights. Boycott the Watergate and encourage others to do the same. Call-in, sign the petition, and leave them reviews!
Organizations, sign the notice of legal and reputational risks!

At least 23 protestors were arrested yesterday. As of time of writing, we have seen no updates on their status or any need for bail funds. Follow the DMV Palestinina Youth Movement (dmvpym on instagram) for more photos and coverage of events from on the ground. Here is an update, from their perspective, about yesterday’s protests.
Yesterday, tens of thousands of protestors descended upon Washington D.C., the heart of the US empire to demand an arrest for war criminal Benjamin Netanyahu.
For over two hours, protestors cut off all veins into the Capitol Building, where Netanyahu addressed Congress. No amount of mindless clapping and praise for Netanyahu could hide his failures and tyranny in Palestine. Law enforcement mobilized out-of-area officers from New York City and surrounding DMV counties to uphold their facade of security and power. These same police officers harassed protestors and used brutal force to protect a war criminal, including pepper spray and flash bangs against attendees and baseless arrests of individuals as young as 15 years old. These tactics are nothing but empty forms of intimidation used against people who take a principled stance for the liberation of Palestine.
While their oppression seeks to deter the masses in violation of the First Amendment rights of protestors, they have only inspired a new generation who are willing to fight for Palestine and uphold this noble cause.
Washington DC: Join the DMV as we host a noise demonstration and continue to unwelcome the war criminal Netanyahu as he meets with Biden and attempts to parade of false facade of victory.
🗓️: Thursday, July 25th
⏰: 12:30PM
📍: Lafayette Square
We will continue to show Netanyahu he is not welcome here and that no matter where he goes he cannot escape accountability, especially as he meets with Biden, who has financed and materially supported this genocide. Despite his bolstorous claims, he shows up with families of hostages - physical representations of his false and empty promises of the last nine months. He will be forever tarnished as a war criminal and failure attempting to cling to his false sense of security and power.
Shame on Netanyahu for using our blood to cling onto power. Shame on Biden for enabling Netanyahu’s rampage over the demands of his constituents for a ceasefire and an to stop arming Israel.
Today was an eventful day in Washington, D.C. See below for updates received from throughout the day. Overall, the strategic and tactical coordination was effective at completely disrupting business as usual across all of downtown, as well as much of the entire region. For example, last night on July 23, Palestine Solidarity activists used the cover of the noise demonstration to enter the Watergate Hotel—where they released crickets, spread maggots, and pulled fire alarms throughout the building.
Actions continue tonight, with another noise demonstration commencing at 8pm at the Watergate Hotel and continuing late into the night. From the personal experiences of comrades, it is clear that there is no issue with showing up “late.” In fact, it offers protestors who have already been out on the streets for hours a chance to return home for a break while keeping the collective energy high and militant.
View post from the Palestinian Youth Movement on Instagram
Palestine protestors manufactured chaos at the Watergate Hotel last night so that Netanyahu, Israeli Mossad agents, and the Secret Service had no peace as they continue to terrorize our people. Mealworms and maggots (not talking about Netanyahu) were left on their banquet tables, and crickets were released on multiple floors of the hotel. Fire alarms were triggered for over 30 minutes on multiple floors to ensure that there will be no rest before Netanyahu and Congress disgrace themselves in front of the world for failing to achieve any of their military and political objectives. May their dreams be haunted by the death of our people and decay of their society.
There will be no peace, there will be no rest, until the war criminal’s arrest.
Protestors have also showed unambiguous confidence, passion, and militancy during these last few days. It reflects a growing understanding of the legitimacy of rebellion against leaders who would risk World War III for the sake of imperialist aggression. This did not start this week, of course, but is a wider trend in resistance movements since the Black Lives Matter Rebellion of 2020. It is a refreshing change for those of us who came up through the protest movements of the 2000s and 2010s that usually got co-opted and trapped within liberal frameworks of “peaceful protest”. The youth are helping lead us out of this dead end approach to protest and activism.
Beyond the crickets, maggots, and screeching fire alarms, protestors in the many thousands made business as usual in Downtown D.C. impossible.
Protesters have cut off the veins into the Capitol Building and throughout DC as Netanyahu makes his way to the Capitol! No matter where he goes the people will continue to shut down DC until the arrest of the war criminal. Do not be deceived, protesters are on every street around the Capitol and the motorcade and police are scrambling to respond. There can be no peace for Netanyahu and his propaganda regime who insist on falsely claiming victory.
Another highlight from today was the presence of labor unions at the protests. The seven unions who signed on to the letter to cut off military aid to Israel were present today, with unions such as the UAW especially visible.
Later in the afternoon, protestors surrounded Union Station (one of the busiest thoroughfares in the entire region) and raised Palestinian flags on the gigantic flagpoles outside the station. In this moment, the pigs arrested several protestors, but it is still unclear what their status is or what needs there are for bail funds. We will keep you updated.
The noise demo last night was powerful! If you live in DMV, please come out to disrupt our government’s complicity in genocide. Organizers from IWW DMV EWOC and locally based Angry Education Workers collective members will be on the ground. If you can’t make it or live elsewhere, spread the word far and wide—and keep an eye out for ways you can take action from afar. Actions and demonstrations against this war criminal continue today and tomorrow. We need to keep up the pressure, seven unions, including the National Education Association (NEA), just publicly signed a letter calling for Biden to halt all military aid to Israel immediately. Please follow the Unwelcoming Committee on their telegram channel for updates:
Netanyahu Unwelcoming Committee
Labor for Palestine rally
Wednesday July 24 at 10:00am
Pennsylvania Avenue and 4th Street
JOIN THE LABOR CONTINGENT IN DC! On July 24, union workers from all sectors of society will join with people from across the country in rejecting the visit of war criminal Benjamin Netanyahu to the Capitol. Together we will show the White House that we won’t let war criminal Benjamin Netanyahu visit the US and speak to Congress while carrying out a genocide of the Palestinian people. We demand an immediate ceasefire, that Netanyahu be arrested in accordance with the ICC, and an end to all military aid to Israel!
Join us in ensuring the zionists have a sleepless night. No rest for genocidal maniacs while they implement crimes against humanity against our people and occupy and colonize our land. We will not stop until we return and liberate our home.
🗓️: Tuesday, July 23rd
⏰: 8 PM
📍: Watergate Hotel - 2601 Virginia Ave
Bring noisemakers!!
The war criminal Netanyahu arrives in DC to claim empty victories and shamelessly beg for more weapons to murder our steadfast people in Gaza, while cowering in the face of an impending International Criminal Court arrest warrant. When Netanyahu arrives at his hotel, the masses will deliver a special message to him: He is not welcome in this city.
The city of DC, has spent millions of dollars -- not on education or housing or healthcare -- but to erect barricades and mobilize a privatized security force for a foreign head of state and mass murderer. Their checkpoints show that they have witnessed our rage and sorrow, that they have heard loud and clear our demands for the liberation of our land from zionism and imperialism, and they choose to ignore the will of the people in favor of protecting a man with the blood of over 186,000 Palestinians on his hands.
📍 Watergate Hotel - Triangle Park
⏰ Today, 4 pm -- late
Who are the Angry Education Workers?
This is a project to gather a community of revolutionary education workers who want a socialist education system. We want to become a platform for educators of all backgrounds and job roles to share workers’ inquiries, stories of collective action, labor strategy, theoretical reflection, and art.
Whether you’re interested in joining the project, or just submitting something you want to get out there, get in touch! All levels of involvement are welcome. Burnout culture is bullshit.
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My health issues forbid me from attending but I am with you in spirit. - 20 years in the classroom. ❤️